The bill for a law to amend the 2020 Appropriation law has been passed by the Delta State House of Assembly.

The passage of the bill was sequel to a report presented at Wednesday’s  plenary by the House Committee on Finance and Appropriation.

Presenting the report on the floor of the House, the Deputy Chairman, Finance and Appropriation Committee, and Member representing Ika South, Hon. Festus Okoh said the Committee painstakingly examined the proposed amendments in the bill, vis-a-vis the 2020 approved budget.

He said the Committee found out that the proposed revised 2020 Budget was caused by the raging COVID-19 pandemic which triggered a sharp drop in the prices of crude oil and slide in the exchange rate with its attendant effect revenue accruable to government.

Briefing members on the recommendations of the Committee, Hon. Okoh appealed to them to approve and pass the total re-alignment to the sum of two hundred and seventy nine billion, seven hundred and eighty-four million, eighty-eight thousand and forty-five naira as the amended 2020 Budget.

The bill was read for the third time on the floor of the House and later passed after a voice vote. 

Addressing the lawmakers on the successful passage of the bill, the Speaker, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori  said the downward review of the 2020 Budget was necessitated by the devastating effect of the COVID-19 on the economy, and commended the State Governor, Senator Dr Ifeanyi Okowa  for his foresight in presenting a revised Budget to meet the realities on ground. 

“Esteemed Colleagues,  I  salute all of us on a  job well done.  Approval of Government expenditure is one of the key functions of a Legislative House and this is what we have all demonstrated today”, he said 

According to him;  “These are extra ordinary times,  the  outbreak of COVID -19 has affected the economy of countries all over the world,  I must therefore,  thank His Excellency, Senator Dr Ifeanyi Okowa, for his foresight in seeing the need to present a Revised Budget for year 2020 to meet the realities on ground. My dear colleagues,  it is  imperative that as an arm of government,  we continue to support the Executive to see our dear state through these trying times”.

The House later adjourned plenary to  Tuesday, May 19, 2020.


Also on Wednesday,  the  Delta State House of Assembly  passed the bill for a law to establish the Delta State Internal Revenue Service and its Board, 2020.

The bill was passed after the House received the report of the Joint Committee on Bills and Public Accounts at  plenary.

The Chairman of the Committee on Bills, and  Majority Leader of the House, Hon Tim Owhefere who read the report on behalf of the Joint Committee, said they conducted a thorough examination of the Bill, and also consulted with some  relevant  stakeholders in the course of their assignment. 

He further explained that the committee invited a finance and revenue expert to provide clarifications on the amount collectible as tax, rates and fees, as specified in the annexed schedules of the Ministries of Environment, Lands and Survey, Water Resources, Directorate of Transport and their respective agencies as well as Local Government Councils. 

The Lawmaker  said that throughout the Committee sessions, the Bill was carefully scrutinized clause by clause from its title to the last part, pointing out that the schedules annexed to the Bill also took the bulk of the Committee’s attention. 

According to him,  the Delta State Internal Revenue Service and its Board, 2020 was not aimed at increasing the sufferings of the people, but to enable government harness existing sources of revenue for the overall benefits of the people. 

The Bill was later read for the third time on the floor of the House and there after  passed at plenary. 

The Speaker, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori   in his address after the Bill was passed said it would enhance the administration and collection of different taxes, tariffs, rates, fees and charges in the state and in turn boost the economy of the state. 

In his words; “My dear colleagues,  the passage of this Bill is a  right step in the right direction for the economy of our dear state. As we all know,  we are in unprecedented times, the price of crude oil has dropped to its lowest in history and there is no better time to move away from over dependence on oil and Federal allocation than now”.

“This Bill will undoubtedly enhance the administration and collection of the different taxes, tariffs, rates, fees and charges in the state. This will in turn boost the economy of our dear state”, he said. 

The Speaker added that;  “Once again dear colleagues,  I thank you for your tenacity and commitment in  ensuring that we pass this Bill”.

The House later adjourned plenary to  Tuesday, May 19, 2020.